
Set this parameter to "Yes" if you want to collect and view statistical data.
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7 days
30 days
Number of clicked notifications Number of page views Number of shown notifications Number of closed notifications
You have to enable collection of statistical data.
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Some info about app statistics

Keep in mind that number of clicks on notifications does not directly correlate to the effectiveness of the notifications. Your shop is gaining credibility by the sole presence of the notifications.

How to find out which design is the most effective?
  • Pick one notification design and configure the app to suit your needs.
  • Don't change the configuration for a few days.
  • Keep an eye on the number of clicks on notifications and on the number of orders you are receiving through your shop.
  • Try out another desing and configuration and repeat the whole process to find out which configuration is the best for your store ;)
  • Don't forget that any change in the number of clicks can also happen because of a seasonal effect (e.g. Black Friday).

The effects of the notifications can be seen as more clicks on notifications, more orders in your shop, an increased average order value and even more customers in your shop!

Hourly statistics

When viewing statistics for today or yesterday, the graph shows clicks by the hour. Number of clicks for each hour represents the number of clicks which happened between this and the next hour. Hours on the graph are in your local timezone, as determined by the browser.